Free Play is a fun and creative way for kids to stay active and encourage creativity. Kids will have access to trampolines, rope swings, tunnels, slides, foam pits and more. It’s also an opportunity to make up any classes that were missed.
Although Free Play is supervised, it provides unstructured gym time for students to explore the area and practice on their own. It also gives students a chance to refine their skill and practice new moves. Best of all: you do not need to be a member to come and play!
Although Free Play is supervised, it provides unstructured gym time for students to explore the area and practice on their own. It also gives students a chance to refine their skill and practice new moves. Best of all: you do not need to be a member to come and play!
KIDS & Young Adults
Are you looking for a fun way to keep your young loved one active during the winter or summer breaks? At Straight Forward Fitness, we take a different approach from traditional gyms. Instead, we work with youth and adolescents in their homes or use community resources like parks and Planet Fitness.